FramingPaterno.Com Releases New Must-Watch Video

Dear "Framing Paterno" Mailing List Members:

This week I released a video which those who still seek to learn the real truth of the PSU/Sandusky fiasco will find to be VERY enlightening. It deals with recent "revelations" from Scott Paterno and how/why he is grossly misinterpreting these events. I think you will find that my narrative makes a LOT more sense than the one we are still being sold and also answers a lot of questions which have understandably had many people confused. As always, unlike my critics, I stand willing and able to answer any legitimate questions you may still have. So far the video has been very well received and my critics, as usual, have been unable to confront me on the facts or the logic. 
Here is the video which I hope you will watch and share:
You can also find this video in the homepage of
Thanks for your support,
John Ziegler